Monday, May 26, 2008

I swear -- -if the technological world did ever decide to conquer the human world - I'd be one of the first people they would kill. I'm convinced that technology HATES me!! --- and I don't know why... I love it soooo much - that's why I have so many damn things! - Maybe that's why they hate me - because I own so much of it. Despite my many cameras who have decided that I am not worthy of taking pictures, My computer has decided not to turn on for me today - and even though it will only take a couple hours (and a couple hundred dollars) to fix it - I'm so sad, pissed, agitated... I can't believe this damn computer can make me feel like this! Maybe I really don't love technology - maybe I secretly hate it--- you know what they say... It's a thin line between love and hate.

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