Okay- so this was originally supposed to be a facebook post.. but I couldn't think of 25 random things about me (I am so uninspiring sometimes)... anywho... so, now that I've finally got the list down, the whole facebook thing is over - so I figured I would post it on my blog to help me get out of this writing (or lack there of) rut that I'm in.. hopefully it works... I have about 7 "drafts" that I've been working on over the last month - but just haven't been able to lock down a thought, emotion, position, whatever.. anywho... I feel it coming.. just hold on to your screens and be prepared! :)
In the meantime, please enjoy these intermissions:

___________________ 25 random things about Yvonne, By Yvonne _______________
1. Contrary to popular belief, I’m really not happy, smiling and excited all the time (but most of the time :0) ).
2. I live at least 10 other lives hypothetically in my mind everyday
3. I believe that love is the purpose of life…or at least part of it somewhere
4. I’ve actually pictured two old wrinkled people having sex
5. I don’t really like watermelon or grape/purple drinks.
6. I’m a social wallflower, until picked, and then I just completely bloom.
7. I secretly wish I was a writer.
8. My aunt and uncle had to stop taking me to the video store with them because I would run off to the “adult” section and gleefully yell “Boobies” at the top of my lungs… thank goodness I yelled in Vietnamese! Lol.
9. I come up with my best ideas and thoughts while driving.
10. This list just made me realized that I’m not as funny as I thought I was
11. I have a freakish pen fetish… I love them!!!
12. I’ve gotten through most of my life with these words “eh, I don’t care, you choose”
13. If I get really excited I make this rumbly, throaty growl. (surprisingly, this is not sexual in nature)
14. Filmore slim and Dru down have been to my bar more than once.
15. I blurt out song quotes in the most inappropriate situations – all the time.
16. I hate nails scratching on a chalk board... that would be the perfect form of torture for me.
17. Sometimes I feel like an old person trapped in a young persons body.
18. Sometimes I feel like a kid trapped in an adults life.
19. I used to eat taco bell's mild taco sauce packets and drink water on my way home from school.
20. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. ( I know, generic...but random)
21. I like country music (there, I've finally admitted it...)
22. I can't stand drippy faucets or anything that makes little noises like a ticking alarm clock or something.
23. My tummy itches when I drink alcohol.
24. My toenail on my right big toe got pulled off by a door when I was 6. (it's grown back.. don't be too grossed out)
25. I still doodle the name of the person I love with hearts and stars next to them. (yes, I know... I'm working on growing up.)