I heard a women ask another women at work today "do you 'journal'" -and the other women said, not since she was a teenager- she just didn't have time anymore... the first lady said to her - you can always find time to journal - and then the other women says - "I need motivation- i don't have motivation" and me, being the nosy person that I am blurted out "LIFE!!! life is the greatest motivation of all!" - and I meant it. And while she'll go home tonight with her kids and her husband and think about all the things that have happened in her day, and her life - she will still be searching for her motivation...
Sometimes I think people look too hard to find motivation... it's like your mind is like those "Where's Waldo" books... it's all cluttered and full of great and different exciting things... but you're looking for that one thing; person, situation, event - and so you pass up all those other very interesting events or people still looking for that one... and yeah, sometimes you find him... and you're really excited, and it's really good - but sometimes, you don't, and you have to keep turning the pages and try again later ...
When that happens, just think of all the great things you overlooked just to be empty handed in the end.
I say go with anything that catches your eye - or motivation for that matter - even if it's just a little - we are only on this earth for so long - why waste most of it looking for something that is right in front of our faces? If you can feel feelings- you have motivation... and those two things are all you need.
I can't lie, I'm one of the main culprits of complaining about no motivation - but I'm learning :) - Maybe my new found motivational freedom will get me to write more... even if it's just random stuff like this... :)
Goodness, I love words. They are really a gift that should be cherished... Words, like most art, create concrete memories... and memories, well - they are priceless. I think memories are one of the most important parts of life - one of my favorites. :) Wish I could write as many words as I have memories.... :)
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