Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Random Ramblings

Omg… I just saw the footage of the Oscar Grant shooting in Oakland… wtf man, wtf! Was that a planned conspiracy, maybe a payback for obama… what the fuck???? I mean, that was blatant murder in front of tons of people! Do our security and government systems run us to the point that they are void of all consequences of the law? --- I sure hope we still aren’t living in that society. But everyday I wake up and, here we are… a lot has changed, but when will it all? Will it ever? Can it ever? What will it take? Will man eventually kill ourselves before we kill the planet? Is that the big game? Maybe earth is just a game that someone in the wide vast universe is playing… put a species on this planet and see how long it can survive…right now amphibians and invertebrates are beating everyone’s ass!! Lol. Anywho… that’s besides the subject…

How does it feel to take a life? How does that person feel for the rest of his life? Whether it was by accident or intentional, how can you live with that? I imagine that would be the heaviest burden to bear… goodness… Sometimes I wonder if all people feel those emotions that we consider to be universal human emotions… like, guilt, regret. I know people show signs and report that they don’t …but, I wonder, if somewhere, waaay deep down inside, those people even feel a tinge of guilt… I sure hope they do…but even if they did… the tragedy still remains. Fuck.

1 comment:

D weazy said...

how tragic right!! IF you had been at soul speaks... i put oscar grant into one of my poems... it was like "And oscar grant? how does he feel? he felt the steel before he could even eat a meal in this new year! but since that doesnt touch us here, we all respond with aight." i love your thoughts! and im glad u actually wrote something new! ;)