I will now try to make this my “reflection” time –
It’s so strange, people say that you learn something new everyday, but, there are some days where you learn something that you already knew, but may have somehow forgotten. It’s usually the things that are most important to you as a being – these things that we continue to learn over again; these themes in our lives, must be recurrent, I’m assuming (I use the word assuming because I’m ‘only’ 26, and unfortunately, true wisdom comes with true old age). These instances when you have a day and you reflect on what you’ve learned and you come to the realization that you are in that same spot in your mind … that spot that you just knew was filled already – it’s a scary and sobering experience…
It’s a constant reminder that we can never stop searching, or living for what we want – for what we believe, for what we know in our hearts to be moral and valuable to us. Too many times we let our circumstances, whatever they may be, cast fog onto our path – and when the fog settles, it’s a brand new path, and blinded – we continue on this precipitated path, wet with all the traps and tests that we have already past – but, now, they look new.. and we feel a sense of accomplishment while we tread through this new found snow, sleet and hell – and when we get to the sunny part – when we finally see our path again – we realize that it was there all along – we had just forgotten to bring our umbrellas –
We have to shield ourselves from taking that detour – from walking backwards on our path – by creating an umbrella of learned lessons – our own personal web of truths, that we KNOW to be true for us- because we’ve crossed that bridge, because we have seen it already – because we have ‘been there’ and have vowed never to go back… willingly or not – we have to be stronger in our umbrella that we call our mind … we must shield against the rainy days of our lives…
But – aren’t the rainy days when people actually get a chance to think about them? – touché…